Replacing Seat Belts and Upgrading Safety Features: Auto Safety

Reasons for a Faulty Car Radiator

A car radiator is an essential component of a car's cooling system. It applies a simple mechanism to cool the engine. Once the engine becomes hot, the thermostat triggers the release of the coolant-water mixture in the radiator. This mixture flows into the engine to pick up excess heat that is then pumped back into the radiator. In the radiator, the mixture is either cooled by the fan or cold air flowing through the radiator vents. The easiest way to detect a faulty radiator is an overheating engine. If this happens, you should seek car radiator repair services immediately as you risk blowing up your engine. Below are a few reasons why your radiator could be faulty. 

Clogged pipes or radiator

Your radiator could clog due to dirt or rust. If you notice that the coolant has a brownish colour, then it is possible that the radiator is dirty or rusty. Pipes connecting the radiator to the engine could also clog due to the accumulation of dirt. The remedy for this is getting your radiator cleaned.


There are various reasons that your radiator could be leaking. First, it could be due to a loose pressure cap. If you notice a hissing sound or some water bubbles from the pressure cap, then you might need to replace it. Clogged pipes lead to pressure build-up that causes leaks. The radiator mainly leaks due to physical damage. An experienced mechanic will help you detect and repair radiator leaks. 

A faulty thermostat

The thermostat controls the flow of coolant into the engine. It is designed to allow the coolant to flow into the engine when the engine is hot. As such, it enables the engine to warm up quickly thus reducing engine wear and emissions. A faulty thermostat could prevent coolant from getting into the engine consequently causing the car to overheat. 

Below are a few radiator maintenance tips:

  • Always ensure that your vehicle has the right amount of coolant. It should be mixed with water on a 1:1 ratio.
  • Use clean water while filling the radiator as dirty water could cause the pipes and radiator to clog.
  • On a regular basis, flush the radiator.
  • Always keep the radiator cap on tight.
  • Always ensure that the radiator pipes are clamped tight.

The main reasons why your car radiator is faulty could be due to clogged pipes, radiator leaks in the cooling system or a defective thermostat.
